Cognitive Teamwork; Emotional Response and expression;

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Brewing the storm

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Still building things up steadily to end the year on a high ( hopefully!) the previous post touched on the link between three factors that constitute the overall mental health which correlates with cognitive function and the psychological side of things. Those three factors were; the way we feel, think and behave,

Because of the repercussions of the neurological damage caused by MS, all three of these factors are individually stripped down to very minute (pronounced mynoot) things we may not even realise our minds control which is affected, resulting in social, occupational, relationship and many more issues. I will try to discuss commonly known symptoms and/or conditions that subsequently follow the neurological damage and try to display how they follow suit with behavioral and psychological problems and if they are’controllable’ or even ‘treatable’.

Why does it all happen again? The basics.

Just to reiterate; the damage to the nerves of the brain, cause disruption or a complete halt in neurotransmitter activity to fulfill a neurological response, so there may be random hikes, delays or even complete sedation of emotions.

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Feeling VS Expression

This is where we start to get a bit technical! We know, when we are happy we display the relevant emotional response: smiling, laughing, etc. And vice versa for a sad moment, moments of low mood.

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The way we feel and the way that feeling is displayed are thought to be dealt with the network of connections in the brain from the frontal lobe to the cerebellum (The bit at the base with a lot of nerves transfer things over) and the connection to the medulla obalaganta (brain stem). Displaying the ‘teamwork’ needed by several parties for complete functioning (thus the above lame meme displaying an example of it not exactly working too well together!).

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The faulty system

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Because of the MS damage, the messages (neurotransmitters) get all wound up or suddenly misfire and MSer may feel upset but laugh or happy and cry. This is just a brief on the upcoming symptoms to be discussed so they make a bit more sense, but for those who are like me ( the link between the lymphatic system and these parts mentioned show an insight into how food affects our emotions!)

Back to basics

If we go over the analogy of the nervous system (specifically the individual nerves) being a bit like cables and wires in a form of an electrical circuit, just as when a part of the connecting appliances are damaged, dead or not working for whatever reason. The effects that may occur are a variety of possibilities (short circuit, currents going in the wrong place and even explosions!) and it is the same idea with the brain, the nerves and the spinal cord. when the wires are all tangled there is always a disaster waiting to happen and why it is very appropriate to say it can lead to, shocking results!

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A bit of closure

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To conclude on a basic note; there are several parts of our brains that act in certain ways to stimuli and other parts that carry out a response and further parts that cause a reaction resulting in a huge emotional mess! And when there is damage, it results in the weird thoughts that result in weirder feelings leading to behaviour and actions that make us a bit bonkers!

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This is a brief on how MS can cause issues on an implicit and explicit level, actions that are very misunderstood and ones that are hardly talked about! Things that we shall hopefully move on to from next week!

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