
The Stand-by and ‘Swinging’ of the moods

Bit of a language backing.

When I studied English language closer to my ‘heydays’, emotive language was an interesting concept. It was never something that was actually physical but carried a lot of weight and strength when it was used in language, especially in speech. Thinking it may only be a thing in language, Words used that entice an emotional response whether romantic or abusive when used but having that effect with a small change. I think it would be appropriate to say; Multiple Sclerosis can be a very emotive thing and it most definetely evokes many, many emotions!

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Mood swings 

I had only ever come across mood swings being used as an offensive term for someone who seemed to always be in different random emotional phases, especially when at an extreme of either side, very angry or very sad.

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With MS, because of the neurons and the brain playing a huge role in our emotional state ( as mentioned in previous posts) especially with the random hikes that may occur or damage to certain parts of the system which block certain emotions or re-route them (metaphorically speaking) to the wrong part of the body and for the wrong emotional expression, to be… expressed.

These symptoms are also exacerbated when there’s presence of psychological issues like depression or anxiety and can further increase those struggles because of the natural misunderstanding that would be associated with having these symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. So simply put, you can become depressed because you are depressed. These are further complications that can occur with MS and add to the whirlpool of thoughts, feelings and emotions!

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You happy or sad?

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This post will be a final insight into the specific symptoms of MS that are known to cause MSers (those affected by the relevant damage) huge difficulty on a multitude of levels on an emotional basis. MS can raise your risk of emotional instability, which may lead to uncontrollable laughing, crying, or even euphoria. Most of these symptoms it is easily understandable how they may fulfill the cycle of the mental health pattern; the thinking, feeling and behaviour.

Standby mode; emotional Numbness

”Some people describe the emotional numbness as feeling unfocused or ungrounded. “It basically feels like when you zone out before you go to sleep,” Amanda D. said. “Feels like being unfocused. And sometimes, especially right when you are going through it, it’s really hard to understand how the world keeps moving when it should’ve stopped.”

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Because of there being ‘blocks’ or ‘traffic’ on the neurological pathways, either due to damage or side effects of certain medications, there may be times when an MSer may just seem moody or even cold at heart. But in actual fact, the comprehension of what really is happening isn’t registering properly on a cognitive level, so what may be happening may actually be realised later on in the future and why at the time of an event, the immediate response may be contrary to or abnormal in relation to the ‘normally expected’ response. Feeling disconnected from others, society or even the world. Just emotionally absent when things are going on because of the changes that have happened in our bodies and our day to day functioning.

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This may be due to the damage but also the external factors that affect symptoms, which is why in the current UK weather, I tend to literally stay out of contact until the sun sets, not because I am a vampire I must reiterate, but rather it is very humid and humidity and MS do not go well together! Practical examples of this I’ve personally dealt with; being told off because of my response to someone being very angry, my response being a complete blank face which only infuriates the angry person further! Or rather when being informed of the passing away of a close one with me just sitting there in complete silence as I know what is going on but the relevant response that would happen, even if it be a response of ‘ I am sorry to hear that’ just doesn’t register in time!

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Emotional memory.

Initially, I thought this may be linked to memory symptoms of the condition but I just asked about this topic a few days ago to the psycho (neuropsychiatrist!), why that we may repeat things over again like watching a video that initiates an emotional response numerous times with a similar effect occurring emotionally. Or that even the passing of a close one taking a long time to be ‘realised’.

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Because of the delay in it registering and processing properly with the possibility of even the wrong response to a situation ( like laughing at a funeral), it may be realised in retrospective fashion. This may be why we could be watching or listening to the same thing numerous times a day for months on end before we stop or lessen the number of times we engage in it or even that event that occured months ago resulting in a sudden outburst of the emotional response that would be expected at the time.

Slowly creeping into life.

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This topic mentioned here links to a few things that had taken years to understand and cope with, something that had a massive effect on numerous occasions in my life, ones that have somewhat scarred me and thus left me automatically isolating myself as a response in certain situations that have occurred ever since. Some have since not taken me seriously anymore, some seeing me as a joke and others seeing me as just crazy! Very ambiguous this may be I know, but when I share information, I tend to leave no stones unturned, so it will be very clear, hopefully before next year!

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I am planning to run away and go abroad from this weather, I will try to keep up with the blogs but if I do go missing, I literally am but in another part of the world!


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