What makes you so anxious?

Can exercise help treat anxiety? - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health  Publishing

Whenever we come across an obstacle in our lives, worry about what actions must be done to continue living as we had intended or continuing with an action we may have planned, we are left feeling stressed. To deal with all the stress we have an anxious response to those situations. This would be an understandable reactive response to the situation.

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Something many would be able to resonate to; frequently reported fears from people with MS are around future level of disability., how their occuption, prenthood and life in all different avenues would be affected. This is totally understandable, as – even though no one can predict the future, whether they have MS or not – it’s very difficult not to worry about it, especially when there are many examples of others who have had the exact experience in their past and are now perhaps really struggling.


A loss of difficulty in the ability to do certain things, unable to pursue that pathway which you mastered and perhaps wanting to continue with it into the age of retirement. This would be the first and most understandable reason to why an MSer may have issues with anxiety.

When normality isn’t so normal.

Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder - HelpGuide.org

Whenever we are in a situation that would require our attention and focus in a different way, like approaching a group of people, a new place or new experience; naturally we would have to adapt to deal with the situation appropriately. This may be normal, when there is neurological damage this may lead to an exacerbated response and the body might go into preparation for a stressful event, even when it may be something that isn’t stressful at all. This reminds me of after my diagnosis, I happened to be in the local park with a few friends and in response to the invitation to join a game of football, I stood on the side for an hour, panicking with a blank face and just thinking if I would be able to partake in such a thing without making a fool of myself and being the laughing stock of the day!

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Relating to that experience, whenever there may have been a situation, with a person or in a certain place and an anxious response may have occured, the immediate response to seeing that person or being in the same setting may leave a person with these issues to be very anxious to go anywhere near that scenario again. This had happened to me after various events with certain people and I was very hesitant and found it very difficult to go and say hello to that person again, as when the body prepares to deal with stress, a damaged nervous system in a stressful situation can lead to weird and unexpected symptoms. A complete confusion, laughter ( like in my case!), tears or even physical implications like random falls due to the anticipation of a huge event, even when nothing is really happening at all.

Oh no, not again?!

Similarly, a lasting effect may be due to an experience with another person. Having something like MS, there may be moments where random mishaps or mistakes may occur, without any intention. A lot of the time our natural response to what we deemn a mistake, is an intense flush of critiscm, this being something I had been really impacted by because of my experience, ‘told off’, scolded, shouted at or even mocked for symptoms I had no idea why were occuring. This leaving a natural hesitant and anxious approach to going near that setting ever again.

Once bitten twice shy.

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Relating to this point; I remember being in a state of prayer, like meditating it normally is a very relaxing, when someone who I had got to a state of always expecting critiscm from turned up by my side. Needless to say palpitations, rapid breathing and a bodily response that was most definetely not needed, all due to the first time leaving a painful scar in my mind. This would directly relate to the well known proverb mentioned above, once the memory has been formed, it is very hard to overcome and the moments of extreme anxiety may arise, making the easiest of situations, the most difficult.

Can’t do it again?

Remember This Do not repeat the same mistake twice - memeyeah | Meme  Generator

Another possible avenue could be an extreme hesitancy in performing a certain action due to a past event. An event in which repurcussions were very unpleasant or unfortunate. When my grandfather passed away in 2016, my response that I had not realised at the time, one that was completely out of order I would assume. Till this day, I am always very anxious and cautious in approaching a close one who may have had a death in their family. Shall I approach? Shall I say anything? Even a hug? A massive confusion every time. Which is why I tend to now, just stay away and only be present when and if needed, I hadn’t realised the first time it occured except in hindsight and that certainly was not a pleasant thing to ponder over then. A second time would only be demeaning, to myself before others.

Why and when it’s a problem

It's not a problem until…” new MJ Awakening pic quote | michaeljeffreys

Whatever the initiating factor for issues with anxiety may be, it all boils down to the damage of the nerves. Damage in the different parts of the brain or parts of the entire system. Imbalances of neurotransmitters or difficulty or confusion in transmission of biological messages resulting in an exaggerated anxious response or even a response that would be completely out of conext, anxious to the sound of a phone ringing or even the voice of a certain person leading to a bodily preparation to ‘fight or fly’.

When the mind is confused

MY BRAIN... IT'S SO CONFUSED... - Derp meme | Meme Generator

This may seem like moments that are just temporary and can easily be dealt with. However, when our bodies are preparing to face a dangerous situation while we may be doing fairly normal things in the day, the stressful effects may cause further difficulties. Being able to fall asleep, concentrate and even understand what may be happening around a person can all be affected.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) - HelpGuide.org
How anxiety can impact life.
Anxiety Always Makes No Sense? : PewdiepieSubmissions

Sometimes there never really is a set reason. The weather, leaving the house, going in the shower and even wearing a certain pair of clothes. Anxious situations can arise when there is any form of volatility in the body, if a car with no breaks can’t stop, it can be a very similar thing when there is damage in the human body.


How you may ask? When we have an anxious response before trying to go to sleep, sleep being a moment when our body would completely relax but when the body is in an anxious state. A faster beating heart with an increase in oxygen to the muscles. An anxious attack whilst trying to fall asleep would with a body preparing for an earthquake would understandably be very difficult!

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We all get anxious now and then, it’s what helped humans to survive. But when anxiety is felt in the wrong moments or in an exaggerated way, needless to say that it is something that would really be a problem!

fight or flight | CAVEMENWORLD.com

I have just mentioned mentioned a few examples that come to mind when discussing this topic, but there may be various circumstances and difficulties related to this symptom. Things are still very anxious but with the talk of a vaccine soon to be available and an end to these restrictions due to the pandemic. We may be very anxious but we’ve got to keep fighting strong and hope that Covid-19 would be remain a memory rather than a tradegy!

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